Pencils were only invented around the 15th or 16th century, but pencil sharpeners weren’t available until much later. By the 1800s people of all classes and ages started to get more literate and educated which meant more and more people were learning to read and write. This opened the market for a product that would allow pencil sharpening with ease.
And so, in the 1850s the conical “prism“ sharpener was created. Competition between the companies caused them to become more creative with the designs for the sharpeners and, in turn, we had shapes ranging from daily tools like sewing machines, cash registers and beds to heavy machinery such as boats, cars and airplanes. They were often made of bronze or copper, which gave them an aged look pretty quickly.
These make a great and very unique gift to anyone interested in antiques. Be it for the daily use or to decorate the office space, these sharpeners will do the job nicely!